(02) 4603 3864

At Health Start Chiropractic, we offer a premium health service for all members of our community. Thorough examinations, treatments, advice and education are the foundations of our practice to help you and your family for a range of musculoskeletal, sporting, postural or chronic pain issues.
We utilise a variety of techniques ranging from manipulation to low force methods to get the best results for our patients. Our thorough examination techniques and non-invasive treatments utilised are evidence based and are designed for best results as quickly as possible.
Our professional approach to Remedial Massage consists of techniques aimed at releasing and relaxing muscles and joints that are prone to injury. Deep and superficial techniques are used to correct any "tight" or "sore" soft tissue structures that are present, and also bring a better balance between the relationship of muscle and movement.
Health Start Chiropractic also holds a strong philosophy in patient education and providing our patients with the tools to prevent further injury or chronic illness. Thus, our Exercise Rehab and Sports Therapy services we utilise in our treatments are aimed to correct dysfunctions in the body as well as increasing performances on the sporting field. We like to be thorough in our service, even after the patient has left the practice.